My (21 M) gf (21 F) of two years was having a conversation with her friends one night and someone asked them to share a spontaneous sex story. Apparently every other girl in the group brought up a story about their bf except my gf. When it got to her, she talked about how she fucked her childhood friend and the buildup and sexual tension was insane. She then called it “10/10”. Just for context, I wasn’t there.

Fast forward, I’ve been having a lot of school stress recently and I guess I haven’t been as passionate and energetic as usual. She talked to me and said she felt like it was an 8/10 right now and there was less foreplay. She didn’t go into detail about what aspect of foreplay or anything. Her friend ended up telling me the story right afterwards when my gf wasn’t in the room.

It has really been eating at me and driving me crazy. I feel like I can’t get over it. I would understand if they asked the question and she said that story because we hadn’t had much spontaneous sex up until that point, but the part that real messed with me was knowing she had to add the “10/10” part at the end, when every other gf said a story about their so.

She finally ended up telling me days later that she just meant I don’t build up sexual tension and kiss her as much as she would want, but it hurts that I had to hear all of this instead of her just asking if I could do that for her weeks ago.

My question is, how many of you would be affected by this, and am I being dumb for caring? I never made my gf feel bad for it, but ever since I heard it my performance has gotten worse and I am way more awkward during foreplay than I was before, as now I feel like I have to live up to this guy and constantly wonder if she is thinking about him.

Edit: We live pretty far apart, so we only get to be intimate every few weeks. This makes it hard because if I can’t implement something one time I have to wait a week or two to make up for it which makes it even more stressful.

Td;lr: I heard something my gf said something that affected my confidence in the bedroom and I can’t get over it.

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