Me and my fiancé used to be very intimate and would have sex weekly. However 6-7 months ago he randomly stopped trying to have sex with me, at the same time I was experiencing some mental health issues after my father had passed. I gained weight and felt awful about myself.

It honestly broke my heart that we just stopped having sex. I started overthinking at started thinking that he wasn’t that into me anymore because of my weight gain.

I have difficulties talking about sex face to face without randomly laughing and making if awkward. So I decided to write him a letter where I expressed my concerns and I told him that this issue had sort of made me feel bad about my body and everything.

He replied back to me with an email saying that he’s busy with work that is occupying his mind and that’s why we don’t have sex. He later in the email made me sound like some perverted freak who’s begging him for sex every night, which is not true at all. His reply honestly hurt me. We haven’t had sex for nearly 4 months when he wrote that and now he made me feel bad for brining it up. So I decided to ignore it and live a sex free life.

Last night he started touching me and obviously wanted sex from me? It made me so uncomfortable and I don’t want to have sex with him because of what he wrote to me. He made me sound like a perverted freak. Why are we only supposed to have sex when he feels like it? I’m honestly scared that he’ll put me on that “pervert” category again. This happened 2 months after the email I wrote.

Am I overreacting or overthinking this whole situation? I know he’s not cheating on me.

Tl;dr: My fiancé stopped having sex with me after I gained weight. We stopped having sex for 6-7 months. When I expressed my concerns he wrote me an email that I found to be hurtful, he made me sound like I was some perverted person who’s begging him for sex. Yesterday he tried to have sex with me after 6(?) months without sex and I can’t bring myself to have sex with him because of what he wrote to me.

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