First time poster here, so doing my best to make sure I tell the story as best as I can. Like it says above, my partner has issues with penetration. I (27M) have been with my partner (25F) for two years now. When we first started dating, we were having sex like rabbits. I mean, ALL the time. I always knew that was bound to end, but I never expected it to get to this point. In the last two months, my partner and I have had sex only once. We’ve done other activities a number of times (hands, mouth, toys) and reached climax every time. So, sexual activities in general seem to be ok, and even encouraged at times from her.

Whenever it’s brought up to her, she does mention that with the times (politically charged, and abortion laws) and the fact that she isn’t on birth control, she gets a bit hesitant and freaked out about the idea of sex. We purchased condoms in hopes of putting her at ease, however we have yet to have sex.

I do try and talk to her about it, and she insists that it’s nothing to do with me or anything I’ve done. Our day to day life feels normal, and I still feel like she’s very much in love with me. But, has anyone else felt this or had this issue? Is there anyway I can help or do anything to put her at ease? Thanks in advance!

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