Lately, I've had two instances in my life where I've said I don't like/didn't enjoy something and the person has come back and said that it was just because I don't know enough about it or I probably just didn't 'get it'.

First example: I was getting a haircut and the hairdresser, and I were talking about sport, and she said she really enjoys watching the snooker. I said I'd tried to watch it a few times but I couldn't get into it. She was aghast and said I probably just didn't understand the game. Nope, just didn’t like it.

Second example: I went to a book club, and we were discussing what we'd been watching on TV lately and one of the women there said she really liked S2 of Rings of Power. I said I couldn’t make it through season one, but I was glad she was enjoying it. She looked at me like I was crazy and practically interrogated me on my knowledge and enjoyment of Lord of the Rings. She asked if I’d seen the movies, I said yes, she asked if I’d read the books, I said I hadn’t but I’d love to. Soon as I said I hadn’t read the books she said that must be why I didn’t like it. I was taken back as I don’t really think it would have made a difference, I just didn’t enjoy the show and that’s normal and ok right??

I’m really at a loss as to how to deal with these sorts of conversations as it feels kind of aggressive on the other person’s part. Both times I left the conversations feeling patronised and like I was being made out to be unintelligent. I’m 29f and felt like I was reduced to a child in those moments. How do I deal with these folks other than just nodding and being forced into agreeing with them?

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