The main reason why I’ve been lying about my bf is because I’m 18 and hes 22, which might seem like a big age gap for them. He also has tattoos on his arms and I figured that they would immediately disapprove of him, because they’ve constantly implanted into my mind how horrible tattoos are and I should never date anyone that has them. So instead I would lie and say I’m hanging out with my friend.

I was planning to tell them two months in, but they were constantly stressed as our grandpa was selling the house we rented in and we were about to be homeless, and I didn’t want to burden them with a new relationship while they’re already stressed out, nonetheless a guy they probably wouldn’t approve of. Don’t get me wrong, my bf has his life straight and everything great is going for him, and he takes care of me so well. He currently lives with his mom while he goes to college, saves money from his full time job at a hospital, 800 credit score, and doesn’t smoke or drink or get into any trouble.

Fast forward and I’m living in an RV in a new state at a trailer park and now I’m lying and saying I’m dating my other friend that they approve of, instead of just being honest. This living situation had became very uncomfortable for me, especially since I’m on the path of starting my life.

After promising me for months now they were going to get me a car when they had money from selling the house, they told me they were going to get me a car that week we moved. They changed it to until I get a job, which shouldn’t be a problem but it felt so to me because I would’ve had money for a car myself months ago if my dad hadn’t made me quit and help with his business bc I had 2k saved up at the time, as well as while we were selling the house I was doing DoorDash 10 hours a day for them to help pay bills at moments. This just made me feel more frustrated in general.

My bf and his mom offered to give me a place to stay rent free and I accepted it. I’m still continuing to lie to my parents and say I’m moving in with this fake bf, which I know is horrible. I’ve been wanting to tell them this past week as I’ve been here, but there’s been stressful fights between my parents such as my dad giving my mom a black eye and my mom scratching my dads face, it’s really hard trying to break news that I’m dating + moving in with a man they’ve never heard of. The worst part is we’ve only been dating a couple months, but my situation has only been more stressful the longer I’m with my parents, and I know my bf’s family will at least provide me some stability. I just want to get a job and a car and start school honestly.

Any advice or thoughts to break the news to them?

TLDR; I assumed parents wouldnt approve of BF due to age & tattoos and constant stress situations made me unable to break the news. Now currently about to move in with him and still lying that he’s another man that they approve of.

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