I'm honestly not even sure how to start this since I never use reddit, but I've seen plenty of those Tiktok reddit stories and I'm genuinely becomung desparate, so I apologize if this is sporadic or strangely formatted.

Both me and my boyfriend are in college, and we do get stressed sometimes but it's never enough to cause anything. I get more stressed than him because I have more familial issues and I don't dorm. We've been dating for around 5 months now, and our relationship has been genuinely amazing, including all of the rough patches we've been through, but there is one consistent issue that can turn our conversations into arguments in mere seconds. I have really bad anger issues and I tend to get annoyed by every little thing he does. I've lectured him on his humor, his choices that neither of us could or can control, and pretty much every minor thing you can think of. I've even gotten irritated over something that isn't even anything remotely annoying, sometimes I'll just get annoyed just to get annoyed. We've been getting into these mini arguments a LOT more lately, and it's starting to worry me because it's entirely my fault, and I really want to be able to fix it. I would like to preface this with the fact that we both have some mental issues but they most likely dont have too much to do with this, like he has self image issues (which honestly just makes it worse) and the possible chance of undiagnosed autism/adhd. I myself have the same issues except my self image issues aren't too bad and I mainly just have horrible anger issues. I've gone to a therapist in the past for this and she was god awful, she didn't help me in any way and even made me feel worse, and released me saying I didn't need therapy. I am currently not in the place where I can get another therapist as of now, both financially and time wise. We had another really bad argument over a previous subject that just derailed because of the reason it usually does (he says something that he didn't understand the meaning of or he doesn't really think about) but this time we both got fed up and decided to take a LONG break over it. I could really use some genuine advice that isn't "oh you're just falling out of love" because I really want some advice on how to work on myself because every time this happens I regret is insanely badly and it really takes a toll on my mental health and my personal image, especially when he says its okay and is understanding/reassuring and forgiving of me. I'd really appreciate it, tysm yall <3

TL;DR- I get snappy way too often with my boyfriend and It's destroying our relationship.

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