My boyfriend (M20) and I (F19) are in not-so-long distance relationship for about a year and a half. He applied recently to go to college and he said he got in but when i go to search his name in the uni website to the degree he applied to, his name isn't there. He keeps saying that he's excited and he's paying everything, but i dont see his name there. I already thought it could be a glitch in the website but when i look at the list of people that tried to get in his name isn’t there either that means he didn’t even applied, it cant be a glitch. I dont know how to ask him about it without seeming a bit crazy that i went and searched it two times. But with all this im scared that he might be lying about other things too… I never said anything that would make him “scared” to tell me that, so i cant think of anything that would make him not tell me this big detail. How can I ask him about it without getting a negative reaction?

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