What kind of struggle have you faced that others reacted to in a way that made you feel that you shouldn’t mention it and just deal with it on your on or ignore it?

  1. Suicidal thoughts, I’m pretty afraid that someone is going to call 911 or get the white jackets up in here to put me in a padded room.

  2. I’m a Pyschic medium clairvoyant. It’s happened lots. I often feel oops. well that’s fucked that. But cos I’ve got integrity. I’ve made the decision.
    I’d rather fall out with people by telling them the truth. keep my integrity and do the morally correct thing. My theory is As long as my intentions are honourable and meant well. I’m serving the highest good. well fuck em frankly. If they wanna fall out.

  3. I have had substance abuse struggles in the past and I have learned to only seriously talk to other recovering addicts about it. I get a lot of pressure to still drink/use drugs, people normalize it and go, “Well can’t you do it just once?” Or they give their opinion why they don’t think it is that bad (functioning addicts who can’t admit they are addicts do this unfortunately). Or they just think you are a freak and look at you differently if you say anything. I keep my recovery to myself a majority of the time.

  4. Most mental health issues. I’ve tried reaching out to people about anxiety and social anxiety, but people (namely family) just don’t seem to understand how difficult it is to deal with. And when they say things like ‘everyone has anxiety’ or ‘just think positively!’ it just makes my issues feel so small. Like there’s something wrong with me because I can’t get through it.

  5. When I left my abusive ex after 5 years, I tried to give my older sister a heads up. But when I got to my family’s house (everyone lived together at the time), nothing was ready, no one had cleared a bed (my old bedroom was being used as storage/spare room) or emptied a drawer for me. No one knew what to do, we all just kind of ignored it. I shared a bed with one of my siblings, and over a couple days cleared out my old room myself.

    They were very helpful when it came to getting my stuff out of the apartment, but when it came to emotional support and acting preemptively so avoid upsetting me more, they were kind of useless.

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