On a recent trip to Italy me and my wife made friends with another couple who were from the UK. We are sending them a care package from California. What are some things you would want that are hard to find or just don’t exist in the UK?
We already have a list of a few items that are regional to us… such as hot sauce, candies, and snacks.

Thanks !

  1. Smart food popcorn, flaming hot Cheetos. They are banned here and in Europe.

    Btw if I pay the shipment and the items would you consider send me some please? There is no white cheddar popcorn in United Kingdom / Europe.

  2. For candy, try nibs or twizzlers. Dried ranch mix is good. So is jello (boxes). Also boxes of jiffy pancake mix are fun.

    Edit: if your friends are redditors, you should just send an empty box with a note apologising for how terrible everything in America is compared to everything in Britain is and conceding British superiority. They will appreciate that the most.

  3. Things I buy when in the US that I can’t easily get in the UK (unless I order online):

    – melatonin
    – M&Ms other than peanut and normal
    – those little hand sanitizers from Bath and Bodyworks

    Things my wife always wanted me to bring back to the UK:

    – the entire contents of a Bath and Bodywork’s shop
    – the entire contents of the shop Michael’s, plus other craft shops

  4. Depends. What do you guys like? Send them some of your favorite things. I would avoid common chocolate tho as there are same things in uk. So snickers, KitKat, nestle crunch, 3 musketeers (Milky Way uk) Milky Way (mars bar uk) almond joy (bounty uk) m&ms are all common. But others ok. 100grand etc. (Hershey bars are disgusting so if you send just send small to see if they like it) you can also do snack cakes little Debbie’s ding dongs hohos things like that. But I find they taste more artificial than the uk equivalents but it is nice for people to make up their own minds. Also depending on your budget if you are thinking more than just food any type of baseball cap or sports stuff or even some little California tourist shit you know the I❤️LA stuff or things like that. HOWEVER. postage to the Uk is INSANE!! Most times it costs more to send it, than what the contents are worth. Last package I sent was over $50 and that was just some pajamas and small stuff for my aunt for Christmas. I am a Brit that has lived in the states for 20 years.

  5. I bought a couple of baseball gloves and balls to bring home when i went to the US. We obviously don’t really have them here and I enjoy just throwing the ball while having a chat.

  6. Do remember goods sent from the US to UK will have to pay duty at the UK end. Not sure if it’s possible to send as a gift to avoid this.

  7. Just FYI on the hot sauce, you generally can’t ship liquids internationally as a regular domestic consumer ( FedEx, DHL etc.). It can be possible but there’s often a lot more paperwork and they’re very strict on what is allowed.

    I know this from trying to get hot sauces from my in-laws in WI 🙁

  8. Those candy cane Hershey’s kisses were amazing! My American friend sent me some once, and I’ve been craving them ever since. (Although they might just be a Christmas thing?) I wouldn’t bother with normal Hershey’s though – bleurgh!
    Beef jerky if they’re not vegetarians.
    Snyder’s pretzels are excellent – you can only get tiny bags in the UK (if you can find them at all).

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