So I went out on a first date with a guy I just started seeing. Now normally when I’ve had boyfriends or men I date they don’t really concentrate on kissing, even during sex, I’ve noticed. I mean it’s either like a soft kiss or a two or three second kiss but then they’re moving onto other areas. This guy though our first date, looked in my eyes, grab the sides of my face, squeeze just a little, and proceeded to give me a long deep kiss and use his tongue, and it made my toes curl and in that moment, I realized I don’t think I’ve been kissed like this in years. I don’t even recall being kissed like this. This man had me quivering at the knees by just kissing. At 51 I’ve realized how much men overlook connecting by romantic, deep kissing. So my question is, is this something you have noticed or do you feel like most partners you’re with are kissing this way?

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