Hi guys does anyone of you experience what I'm experiencing ? that you don't know how to greet a person or people. Even in my 20s and I'm having a thoughts of I wish I should greeted him or them even its awkward,

I stop greeting people or individual even we know each other simple because i feel shy, awkward and feeling weird of my action and sometimes most of them are old, older people tend to greet each other and I have this experience one time a woman in our neighborhood greeted me by passing by but i ignore her because I feel awkward and shy because she have her children who my childhood playmates that don't greet me when we we encounter each other, I feel overwhelmed of pressure greeting her back because he have her children and im not used also on social interaction with many people so I just ignore her greeting, and when the time we encounter each other she intentionally avoid eye contact with me and I feel awkward and having a second thought I remember the time I ignore her, now I feel regret of my pass action.

And I also have this issues that a person my classmates in elementary greeted me and I don't greet him because I really don't know how to do social interaction now I just accidentally add friend her on facebook and I'm regret of not greeting him back during our interaction

what your opinion and suggestion on how to removed this thoughts that I don't know how to greet people and how to improve my self Im really awkward person don't know how to start a conversation and very low self esteem no self confidence was my main issue to my self.

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