I managed to get into the talking/courtship stage with someone who was exactly my type in terms of personality, values, goals, and looks. We really hit it off talking for a few hours a day and dates and stuff. I felt there was a lot of potential there. But then suddenly he just stopped and blocked me on everything, without really telling me what went wrong or how I could fix things or anything.

On one hand I really want him back, but I know that's not gonna happen.

I know part of this is the sunk-cost fallacy. I've been in the dating market actively searching for at least 2 years straight now, and he was the only person that was both my type and actually seemed to enjoy talking to me (to an extent).

It's very rare to find people who want to talk to me, being a black nonbinary person with severe social anxiety, so it feels like i wasted my one chance.

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