Every Friday, just say whatever is in your mind in this post. It doesn’t need to be a question, and go on whatever tangent you want to go on.

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~The AskWomen Mod Team

  1. I’m just now realizing that my recent insomnia is probably related to all the scary movies I’ve been watching before bed. I’ve been getting myself into the Halloween season 😂

  2. My husband bought me a Halloween lantern Monday. I normally don’t decorate until october 1st but I got in the spirit with that lantern and got my other Halloween stuff out.

  3. I just cleaned my apartment and feel very productive but also lonely it’s just me here🥲not very exciting for a Thursday night

  4. My husband and I grew up in homes where there was a lot of marital conflict and I think it really messed both of us up. We are trying to navigate giving each other space while feeling like we aren’t always getting what we need from each other and it leads to us both feeling like each of us is invalidated. We are trying to move past that but we each have scars and both of us need therapy. I wish therapy wasn’t so expensive. I’d go more often.

  5. My ex is the dumbest man I’ve ever met and ever wish to meet. I’m going back to dating women but I’m happy to be single

  6. I bought a lovely pj set at Costco today with intention to wear while wfh. I’m usually in sweats or yoga pants and tees so I’m excited to dress up.

  7. I have been reading on pegging and cuckoldry on the internet. 🙈

    There are too many explanations why men have these fetishes.

    I was listening to this podcast, and the psychologist said:

    One common psychological reason behind Cuckoldry is that the husband might have this ultimate fear that his wife leaves him for another guy who is more sexually dominant than him, to deal with his internal fear, he exoticizes his fear to enable him to take control of his emotions and life.

    Surprisingly, some guys with cuckoldry fantasy are very competent in sex and very masculine in the relationship. Because he’s portrayed in such a way, his fear becomes overwhelming to a degree he can’t face it anymore. Hence he develops this fetish to deal with it.

    I don’t know why, the moment I heard that I felt great empathy and bursted into tears.

    I cried for almost half an hour.

    Who can explain why? We are all emotional beings.

    I feel you. ❤️

  8. Need suggestions on what to gift my husband, we married this year and the guy is a gem of a person. I had dropped his phone so thinking of gifting a phone but other option is a second hand car as he loves to drive. Any other options are most welcome

  9. Message to overbearing people:

    Suffocation isn’t love. Relationships are a two way street, and if someone you claim to love is constantly feeling the need to be the “bigger person” around you, and is always tiptoeing around your feelings and moods, then maybe it’s time to look inward and find a way to be less of a burden on people.

    I know you think you have an iron grip on the people in your life. But trust me when I say that you will lose them. Either they will wake up to the fact that you’re the problem and finally unload you, or they will simply find better people to be around. Or they will find peace in solitude, which is a million times better than being around you.

    People aren’t objects or characters in your story. They will act independently of how you want them to act. They don’t exist to fulfil YOUR life’s purpose, and you don’t get to write narratives for them when you can’t explain their actions.

  10. People tell me I’m so strong for always being positive regardless of what I go through and I’m not. I just try to keep a positive mindset because I don’t like pity & i’m so use to holding down the fort for my worried mother. She looks up to me a lot so I feel pressured to look and act like the strong one.

  11. Is it weird that I was more anxious about the thought of being laid off than I actually am now that I have been laid off?

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