If you made a 2022 New Years Resolution, how is it going 5 months in?

  1. Yeah I wanted to chill, rest and focus on ceramics. I purposely did not clean or cook anything cause I wanted to feel relaxed.
    Now I switched my third apartment and living in literal war.
    But hey, I rented a small studio for ceramics, so they do kinda work😃

  2. I told myself I would read one book a month (to clear my backlog, I have over 25+ I haven’t read) and I’ve read one. Really killing the game right now.

  3. I told myself I would floss. I’ve been flossing at least once per day, every day. I also said I would start working out. I’ve increased my daily activity and steps.

  4. I’m actually blowing it out of the water. Change your thoughts, change your life!

  5. I made a decision to lose weight. I’m currently alittle over 30 lbs down from Jan 1!

  6. I am actually sticking to my weight loss goals. I’ve lost 50lbs. Aiming to lose another 50.

  7. I set a goal to read 30 books. So far so good, will be halfway there in a week or two

  8. I have ADHD. It is not going. I’m pretty sure I made more than one resolution (work out consistently), but I don’t even remember it. I want a new brain lol

  9. I made a goal to read 12 books this year. I’ve read 8, and was on a roll for a while so I changed my goal to 15.

  10. I had a bunch!! But the ones that have been successful so far:

    – adopt a kitten
    – move into a better apartment
    – become more stylish (this is a work in progress though hahaha)

  11. It’s going alright!
    I wanted to read more (didn’t set a specific goal) and so far I’ve finished 19 books! Most years, I read at most 2 or 3.
    I also wanted to learn a new skill that isn’t related to work–any skill. The idea being just to try new stuff and hopefully find a new hobby in the process. Haven’t quite managed this one. I started crocheting a little, and I’ve been learning a new digital art program (ClipStudio), but I wouldn’t say I’ve made enough progress in either for it to count.

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