First of all, I know this title sounds ridiculous. Like, “how could you not know?” But I feel really confused and uncertain. Also I really really really love my wife. When things are good, they’re amazing. She’s loving, and warm, and kind.. just what you want out of a relationship, right?

There’s this problem though. She’s really jealous and insecure. Like I’ve never been around anyone that’s dealt with this so severely. She gets insecure if I talk to friends, (especially guys for some reason?? We are gay…?) Like she will start a conversation about me hanging out with a friend with “idk I’m just feeling kind of insecure.” But it happens EVERY TIME I’m supposed to be around anyone without her.

I don’t hang out with any of my friends anymore because I’m scared of having a fight about it. I’ve tried to reassure her in the past, but it’s every time. I’m tired.

There’s way more, but I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to end our marriage. I just want to feel normal.

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