So I've been dating a girl for 3 months now, we became official about 2 months ago. But since the second date I made myself clear that I was not looking for a casual relationship and I wanted to be exclusive with her, she agreed. I asked her if she had tested herself before being with me, she said yes, and she said everything was okey. She told me her last relationship ended 6 months ago and that she hadn't been with anyone else since. I trusted her.

My last Gf cheated on me and I ended the relationship about a year ago, and tested myself afterwards after 3 months just to be sure I was okey. The results were all negative, Everything perfect.

In the middle of august I started to feel sick, went to the doctor, he gave me some antibiotics. I asked if it could be an STD, he said it was unlikely. However, as this is a new relationship I wanted to be sure. He send me some tests and yesterday I recived the results. I have an std. Now I have to tell her so she gets medical attention as well. For what I understand from the disease, symptoms develop 1 to 3 weeks after being infected, however some people can be asymptomatic. Fortunately it is treatable and curable with no repercussions. But this has scared the s out of me. I know I'll have to retest after a few months hopping I didn't get anything more serious, and this makes me very anxious.

I haven't talked to her about the results of the tests, I will tomorrow, but I don't know if I should end the relationship. I know there is a chance she could have contracted the std from her previous partner and be asymptomatic but we had been together for over a month and a half before I got symptoms or she could have been with someone else while we started dating. This makes me feel uncertain and I don't know if I can trust her further. Any advice?

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