a good friend of mine is going to see a folk duo in concert about 3 hours away in a different state, she posted it on her story and was looking for friends who could go with her, I casually mentioned it was the day after my birthday and I love folk bands, she invited me. Tickets were cheap about 35 dollars and she offered to pay for my split on the hotel. It will be a day trip, staying at the hotel and leaving at checkout next day,I (24F) brought it up to my boyfriend (37M) of 2 years and he says I'm being selfish and inconsiderate and that he doesn't feel comfortable with me going to another state and "you don't even like that band" I did invite him but he's working those days so he can't go. How do I make him feel respected and cherished but not sacrifice this Girl's Trip? I'm really happy about it and don't wanna miss it 🙁

Boyfriend is uncomfortable about girls trip I just want to find a way to compromise

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