BF and I moved in together about a year ago. I have had to pay for everything except his half of the rent.

He seems to think I have taken over the role of his mother and expects me to run his life like his helicopter mother did.

He also seems to think because he was the favorite and was babied his whole life, that he just deserved whatever he wants. He has no concept of it actually not being my responsibility to do anything for him.

He wants gourmet meals every night, because he "needs' a proper dinner, and can't just have a sandwich or something simple. Mind you, when he living at a friend's house and it was his money he was spending, he had no issues living off cereal.

He also throws a fit if I buy something like a concert for myself and not also for him.

How can I get him to understand what he is expecting of me isn't normal, especially when he's not contributing?0

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