Growing up, my family had always kept a drawer of socks by the shoe racks. But every home I've visited, I don't see such drawers.

Edit: No, we do not share socks. Every family member has a designated drawer for their socks. Odd that you guys don't keep your socks nearby your shoes.

  1. I’ve never heard of that. Everyone I know (which is to say, those people I know intimately enough to know where they keep their socks) keeps them in a dresser or closet with the rest of their clothes.

  2. It depends on the size of your drawer. My socks and underwear are in a nightstand and each has its dedicated drawer as the drawers are small. If it’s a bigger drawer then they share a drawer; the way nature intended.

  3. > Growing up, my family had always kept a drawer of socks by the shoe racks

    I’ve never heard of this, like, ever. Where are you from? Is this a thing there?

    They go in a sock drawer in your dresser/chest of drawers.

  4. In a hamper with the rest of my clean clothes because I’ve been too lazy to put my clothes away for over a year

  5. OP – did your family share your socks? Like everyone just grabbed a pair from the same pile? I have heard of this

  6. I’ve never seen a dedicated sock drawer next to a shoe rack in any house.

    I keep mine in an unofficially designated drawer in my dresser.

    EDIT because of your EDIT:

    > Odd that you guys don’t keep your socks nearby your shoes.

    The thing that’s odd is you thinking that everyone keeps their shoes in racks in a common area. I keep my shoes in my bedroom, near the dresser where my socks are. So, they’re “nearby.”

  7. In a drawer next to my underwear. I grab a pr of socks and underwear when I head to the shower.

    Friend of mine has their underwear in a closet inside the bathroom. We aren’t rich enough to have a bathroom big enough for that kind of closet.

  8. Are you saying that other countries just have communal family socks?
    Everyone in the US has some type of clothing storage. Even if it is a basket with everything you own, your socks would be in there along with your underwear, shirts, pants…

  9. I have a little basket in my closet that has socks I haven’t had time to pair yet and the rest that are paired go in my dresser. I’ve never seen a sock drawer in a mudroom or by shoe racks, but being from somewhere where it gets cold I’ve seen plenty of glove and hat baskets in homes during winter

  10. Mine live in a pocket dimension connected to my clothes dryer. Only one sock may boldly go forth at a time. They coexist peacefully with ballpoint pen caps, and are occasionally reincarnated as hangers.

  11. The clean sock pile on the floor.


    Sometimes I put them in the clean sock basket.

  12. In the fridge drawer marked “crisper” I know it’s for dna samples but my socks just get soggy otherwise

  13. As a Florida-man I do not own socks. I own sandals, flip-flops, crocs, water shoes, moccasins, zories, sliders, jesus shoes, chanclas, open toed heelies aka Steve-Os, flippers, 3flaps, madagascar work boots, plant city commantoes and Aussie style thongs.

  14. I have a sock drawer in my dresser in my bedroom. My 12 year old son, however, refuses to be confined by these rules and instead, stores them on the floor of all the rooms of the house and in between couch cushions.

  15. Dresser drawer.

    Do you have your shoe rack in your room? I think it would be weird to keep socks by the entrance of the house.

    FWIW, I keep most of my shoes in my closet. I usually keep a pair or two in the coat closet by the door just in case (like needing to go outside to let the dog out or something).

    My laundry room is also right across the hall from my bedroom on the 2nd floor so it makes sense to keep my clothes (including socks) on the same level as where I get dressed and do laundry.

  16. I put all my kids socks in a basket as they come out of the wash. They pick from there. I can’t be bothered to pair and separate them!

  17. I grew up in northern New England where we had both snowy winters and a long mud season, we kept our socks in our dressers. I still do.

    I’ve never known anyone to have a family sock drawer by the shoe rack. Never had a shoe rack either for that matter. Shoes/boots are in the mud room. When I lived in a house without a mud room, if my shoes/boots were especially dirty when I got home I’d use the bulkhead door and just go in the basement and take my shoes off.

  18. Everyone I know keeps them in the dresser. Why would you want them by the door with your shoes? Then you would have to walk barefoot across the cold/dirty floor. Socks go on as soon as you get out of bed to keep your feet warm.

  19. >Odd that you guys don’t keep your socks nearby your shoes

    This coulda been a fairly lighthearted thread, but you just had to take on that tone.

    No, YOU are the odd one here, at least from our perspective. I have never heard of anyone keeping their socks by their shoe racks. You put them in your dresser. Shoe rack by main door you go in/out the house from.

  20. > Odd that you guys don’t keep your socks nearby your shoes.

    Why would I want to go all the way from my bedroom to my front door to put on socks to wear around the house when I get dressed for the day? The rest of my clothes are in my bedroom.

  21. If you always put socks on at the same time you put shoes on, it makes sense to keep them together.

    There’s a lot on Reddit about Americans wearing shoes in the house. But it’s important to understand that most of us don’t hang out in the house all day wearing shoes. If I come home from the grocery store I might walk around in my shoes while I’m unloading the groceries and putting them away. Or when I come home from work I might walk around the house in my shoes for an hour until my husband and I leave again to go to dinner. But I don’t wake up in the morning, put on socks and shoes, then stay home all day.

    I do wear socks most of the day. It’s cool where I live and my feet get cold if I’m barefoot. So my socks are in my dresser, which is where I get dressed every day. My shoes are by the door. I don’t put them on until I’m actually going outside.

  22. There’s actually a sub for photos of people’s sock drawers: r/sockdrawers though it’s pretty quiet. Most Americans I know keep their socks in a drawer in the dresser.

    We also don’t all keep our shoes in some shoe place near the door. I have probably 20+ different pairs of dress shoes, boots, sandals, athletic shoes, etc. so only a pair or two are every on the main floor by the door. The others are in my closet and in the garage, and they get swapped out by seasons.

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