Genetics like looks or medical conditions are not personality traits.

  1. Youngest of 3. We all share the same weird. Itā€™s not often anymore that we are in the same room or even country anymore. The moments we are thus are more special and we donā€™t need much time to fall back into the same weird goofy mindset.
    The middle one is very family focused, always wants to get the family together and reaches out the most. The oldest and me could go years without reaching out, always loving our own lives, roaming somewhere around the world.
    First two to come to mind, maybe Iā€™ll think about more later on

  2. I’m oldest.

    My baby sister is an absolute foul mouthed, defiant, fiery hothead who pushes authority and will stare at you straight in the eye and tell you to go die if you try to tell her what to do. ABSOLUTELY me lmao

    But she’s far more impulsive, jumps into a situation two feet first, hurried, athletic, adrenaline seeking, than I am. She takes after our father in that regard 100%

    My brother, middle, is a Capricorn like me. And we both are a lot more into being cautious, observing, playing a situation to our benefit, calculative, and slow growth. We want to see results but we don’t want to rush it. Very introspective and I absolutely relate to him with that.

    Where we differ is I’m definitely way more of an authority defying spitfire, I’m more than capable of using my tongue and also playing a battle of wills. He’s, out of the two of them, a bit more submissive.

  3. My work ethic is stronger. My younger brother doesn’t work and is supported by my mom, and my older brother is a stay at home dad to two school aged kids.

  4. My older brother is more strict, tight academic smart and funny. I’m a bit more street smart and chill. We both are Otakus and have really silly sensor of humour.

  5. My brother and I are both able to connect with others in a way that is deep, profound and special.

    He connects with others through logic, leading them to hard truths, explaining big concepts, learning together, sharing insights, etc. He makes people feel heard.

    I connect with people emotionally. I can empathize deeply with anyone and am able to hold space for deep, traumatic and overwhelming feelings. Not only can I get along with almost anyone, I can *vibe* with almost anyone. I make people feel seen.

  6. Iā€™m the youngest of 4 girls. I consider myself a close observer of my older siblings behavior, consequences, and outcomes. I like to think it helped me challenge status quo more than they did.

    They were all married by 25, kids by 28, 2 of 3 divorced by 35. Iā€™m 33 and never married, no kids.

    Theyā€™re religious, have student debt, relied on partners to manage finances and assets. Iā€™m more spiritual and science-centered, no debt, solid grip on finances, own a home and have a healthy investment portfolio by myself.

    I think birth order had a lot to do with it. Plus, none of them lived at home when our parents divorced. I think I got to see how much of the ā€œadult checklistā€ is kind of BS and can easily fall apart. They moved out earlier, and had a more romanticized view of marriage and parenthood than me.

    They often express that theyā€™re envious of my path in life, and I feel for them in that way. They did what they thought they were supposed to do. I somehow learned I didnā€™t have to subscribe to those expectations.

  7. Iā€™m a perfectionist is a way that my three siblings arenā€™t. I hate emotions and being emotional in a way unlike my siblings.

    I have less of an attitude than my middle sister.

    Weā€™re all charming and charismatic. None of us are socially awkward and can talk to anyone. Our parents played a part in that though.

  8. My siblings and I are all workaholics. We value work above almost everything else save for family. Itā€™s strict M-F 8-4 work attitudes no exceptions, family after work, and then sometimes work after family stuff off hours. Our mom was a fierce ladder climber at work and I feel weā€™re right behind her. This is probably where we all feel most connected and successful. On this side of the family you grow up with a ā€œyou retire after you dieā€ outlook on life.

    Opposites. My one sibling is very measured and private and doesnā€™t value much socializing but they get stuff done and they do it according to the rules, my other is emotional, caring and giving and balances work/life best, and Iā€™m an artist who overshares and is less level in my expressions and a mixed bag of professional and social relationships. If I canā€™t find a way to meet my goals, Iā€™ll force one somewhere.

    In growing up we all had different roles. My one sibling was a leader and directed us a lot. My other was focused on competitive landscapes. I was the one who did a lot of manual hands on stuff because I didnā€™t whine so was just automatically tasked with the role. We were all privileged growing up, but were expected to do a lot of hard work in one way or another, which we did and still do.

    My siblings and I are very different but also very much the same, and theyā€™re my best friends.

  9. My full siblings are closer to my age so we grew up together so I wont include all but:

    They are
    -quick to anger
    -still associate with our abusive father
    -had children in unstable circumstances

    -do my best not to get angry and mostly just cry when I am
    -introverted and reserved
    -passive but getting better at speaking up
    -cut my dad off 15 years ago bc I won’t live with that
    -childfree based on many factors but mostly for the wellbeing of myself and the poor soul that would end up as my child

  10. I’m always second guessing, anxious, easily influenced

    My brother on the other hand is strong headed, sure of himself, and not afraid to take risks

    We both love to gossip šŸ˜‚ I think that’s a universal sibling trait

  11. Opposites: social desire (heā€™s a homebody with few friends, I have lots of friends and see them often).
    Alike: we have the same exact sense of humor

  12. We went through the same traumatic childhood but chose completly different strategies to deal with it. I became a people pleaser, very good at reading emotions and working hard to get attention. My older sister became the rebel, did not care what others think and doing stupid things to get attention.
    Our toxic family sadly tore us apart and we are no longer in contact, but I know that we actually have similar world views and interests. I don’t know about her, but I could work through all that trauma and am a very happy person now. I hope she found happiness, too.

  13. 1 Me and My sisters Sense of humor most alike

    2 My sisters’ Lack of curiosity, complete opposites

  14. I would say everthing. She has tons of friends while I was never good at being likeable to people. She has always gave more importance to other peopleā€™s opinions than mine. Other wise I donā€™t know, she became a total stranger to me and we havenā€™t spoken in years.

  15. I’m a SAHM with social anxiety. I’m quiet and quite shy and prefer to just stay home. I have no close friends and I don’t believe I’ll ever have any especially without having a social life.

    My sister is a bartender and has a huge group of friends that adore her. She spends weekends and travels with them. I watch her talk to people with such confidence that I find myself being jealous.

  16. 1. Twin sister: Strict sense of fairness vs. reservedness (I am, she isnā€™t)

    2. Middle brother (3 years older): Sense of self-importance (canā€™t be all good šŸ˜…) vs neatnessĀ 

    3. Oldest brother (8 years older): Short temper vs dry comedic humorĀ 

    Twin is my best friend (90% of the time lol), middle am NC with, oldest I get along with pretty well and we like many of the same things

  17. Me and my sister are complete opposites. Basically the personality trait that makes us opposites is that Iā€™m a half decent person and sheā€™s a nasty one.

  18. Complete opposites: My big brother, his wife, and kids are all extremely social people. They go out and do things with people. I love being at home alone.

    Most alike: we’re both stubborn.

  19. Opposites: how we view ourselves in the world. She has always been the main character. It was very painful growing up and until about 10 years ago. I have always been the one to put everyone else before me. To a fault.

    Similar: Weā€™re both extroverts and extremely loyal to those we care about.

  20. Sheā€™s very shy and timid and smart and well thought out and Iā€™m very bold, go with the flow, and Iā€™m moreso street smarts. Guess who the older sibling is lmao.

  21. My brother feels that he is the best, smartest person on earth and has all the answers, and everyone else should try to be more like him. The sort of guy who would brag about how humble he is.

    I am well aware that I am a flawed being, doing my best to make the choices that are right for my life. I don’t have the answers for anyone besides me…and sometimes not even that.

  22. My sister is an overachiever and I’m an underachiever. Everything else we are the same.

  23. Most opposite: my brother is one of those “logical” men who pretend feelings aren’t real, including his own. I’m very introspective on the other hand and try to take other people’s emotions into account as well.

    Most alike: we’re both pedantic af and often take things literally.

  24. My brother doesn’t really speak unless spoken to. I found out he was engaged from my dad. Bro just didn’t think to let me know.

    I, on the other hand, do not shut up.

  25. He is much more levelheaded and laid back than I am. He’s also better with money, albeit to the extreme.

    We are both empathetic and love our families hard, and we are also both sarcastic smartasses. šŸ˜ƒ

  26. my brother (older) is so smart, noble, wouldnt pick a fight even if his life depended on it but while arguing he brings the worst out of people, he’s a social butterfly, people rely on him for everything! people contact my family trhough him. He is the brains

    im more into sports, a little bit more street smart than school smart, i hate social interaction, i like helping people but not the commitment of it, i used to argue a lot with my parents i even got slaped a couple times and yeah.

    We have a great relationship, we compliment eachother

  27. My older sister is a taker and Iā€™m a giver. I learned the hard way that I need to learn my own limits of how much Iā€™m willing to give of myself, not only to her, but everyone in my life.

  28. When we were little I was the quiet and obedient one and my sister was very active kid but now it’s the opposite

  29. Sister is a confirmed toxica who plays games like crazy and will not give it up

    Id literally get biggest ick ever if a man played games with me DONT YOU FEEL SO WEAK AND PATHETIC!!! BE A MAN!!!! Be REAL OMFG

    We both love love though and both of us are funny and cynical realists. Weā€™re besties but straight up I would not set her up with anyone ever she needs to figure this out she is a menace 2 society

  30. My oldest brother is more the passive communicating person who tended the be the peacemaker in the family sometimes whereas I was more direct and blunt and talked about the elephant in the room (I definitely started more shit than my brother did). As we have aged I have been able to call him and seek advice on how I can really communicate more effectively and socially acceptable in the professional arena because his style of communication was very good in this capacity and I admire that and would like to incorporate that style a bit more for myself professionally. He in turn has asked me a few times how he could be a bit more direct in his approach at needed times and how to handle the “blow back” if you will from calling someone out or a situation out. It’s been an effective way for us to bond by catering to both of our strengths instead of focusing on our differences. šŸ™‚

  31. We both overthink and have similar interests, senses of humor and a strong work ethic.

    What makes us opposite is bravery and comfort leaving an area within 2hrs of our family. (Heā€™s military. Iā€™m 2 hrs away and canā€™t imagine it otherwise).

  32. Youngest of 4. They did all the dumb shit. Drugs. Jail. Robbery. Failed out of school. Stole from my family. Racked up massive credit card debt.

    I went the total opposite. So opposite trait, I’m very responsible, conservative (in terms of my family/ self) intelligent.

    Most alike? We’re all stubborn as the day is long. It might take us different time to get there or about different things, but Jesus, we will all not budge until the cows come home about something.

  33. I have a younger brother.

    *opposites* : Heā€™s always been a better student than me. I am more socially smart (and street smart), he is not. Iā€™m also more social than him.

    *alike* : we have the same sense of humour and the same style in clothes. In many occasions when he couldnā€™t join us, when I went shopping for him Iā€™ve always picked things that he liked. We like the same foods and the same TV shows.

  34. She’s the typical “wants a family, golden retriever and a house in the suburbs” and I’m more the crazy spoiled childfree younger sister. She’s a clean freak and I hate cleaning, she loves organising and I do not.
    What we have in common are that we, unlike the rest of the family, sees through their bullshit and actually say it like it is. And arent as fake nice as the rest.
    And the same humor

  35. He’s got an addictive personality, I don’t.
    Most alike… Idk, maybe just our godless leftiness. We were raised in the church by Republicans and took a sharp left as soon as we really started understanding politics šŸ˜‚

  36. I think I’m more aggressively honest and concerned with ethics than my brother, while he’s more grounded in reality and very responsible.

    But we have the same silly dark sense of humor, and eclectic taste in music

  37. I have empathy towards others vs my brother not caring at all about others. Weird thing is, heā€™s deeply caring of his gf, but literally no one else. I donā€™t mind him not caring about me, but I find it heartbreaking how he treats our parents, especially my Mum.

    I cannot think of a single thing that we are similar in. Even physically heā€™s different. And truth be told, Iā€™d be insulted if people said Iā€™m like him – heā€™s so unkind. Maybe we have the same ears? But I think thatā€™s it.

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