This is kinda weird, definetely not somethkng I expected. I've nevered dated anyone ever (I'm gay, so that's just the canon experience), 14 days ago a guy texted me and we started texting, we met a few times and everything's fine, but the odd thing is that since he texted me I've masturbated only once. One time in 14 days. Which is definetely not somethingI expected and I can't think of why this is happening. Now, I don't masturbate much (maybe more or less 4 times a week, or 1/2 times a week when there's school). It's not that I refuse or anything, I'm just really not up to do it, the last time I did in these 14 days wasn't because I actially wanted it, I don't remember exactly but I think I was just kinda down so I masturbated.

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