I do put personality first but I can't help the fact I'm only strongly physically attracted to maybe 1 in 30 women at lest to the point where I would commit to dating them. When I factor in personality, values, lifestyle etc the compatibility falls to maybe 1 in 100. I've had over 40 first dates and many were nice, but I've only met 2 or 3 women across my life who I could actually see myself dating long term and of course they were off limits.

I know you need to make some compromises to be in a relationship but I would just rather stay single than feel like I'm settling for someone who my heart isn't completely set on.

Yet many guys I know seem to date almost anyone who shows enough interest in them.

I mean what are the chances that their only female colleague or neighbor or mutual friend happened to tick all their boxes? That's not to say that the quality of their relationship isn't strong, but I'm always blown away by how quick people are to shack up with someone.

It's as if the only checklists for some guys are:

Not unattractive

Not floridly psychotic (but perhaps willing to overlook if they're attractive enough)

Not a blatant gold digger (but perhaps willing to overlook if they're attractive enough)

Seems interested in me

Does the average guy actually just have a low bar or are they most likely settling majorly because they want the validation/companionship/regular sex or have a fear of being alone?

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