My uncle texted me asking if I was still single, which I am. He responds that they "adore" one of my aunt's coworkers and want us to meet. He tells me to follow her on Instagram and she will accept, and says let's do a double date.

I followed her and admittedly she appears to be a great catch. We're all meeting for dinner and drinks tomorrow and I am more nervous than I've been in a long time over a date. My aunt and uncle have known me my entire life so I imagine they think we're compatible at some level.

I've never been set up to meet someone on a date like this so I'm wondering how other's experiences have been. Good, bad, indifferent? Tell me about it and ease my nerves lol. Thanks

  1. Only awkward part I’d say is making the first meet a double date. Should let you and her interact without a chaperone

    I’d suggest getting them to back out but this sounds like a sweet deal for you

    Don’t be nervous. There’s no pressure for anything. Just take it as a fun meet up to get to know her

  2. This is anecdotal, but it hasn’t been good. Example:

    My mom set me up with a coworker’s daughter when I was in my early 20s. The girl asked me to meet her at church. Not really my thing, but ok. How bad could it be? She was cute, and I enjoy eating wafers.

    It was one of -those- churches. People laying prostrate on the floor and speaking in tongues. I literally peeled out of the parking lot.

    Edit: I should add that I’m 1-for-1 as a matchmaker. I somewhat strong-armed two of my friends to go on a date, and they’re still together 8 years later.

  3. Yup. My wife and I were originally set up by some mutual friends. Of course we initially said “no thanks”, both too cool to be set up on a date and both getting over recent breakups, and it kind of became a joke… but we kept crossing paths, and when we finally started hanging out, the rest was history.

  4. A friend of mine got set up by his aunt. He was hesitant of course but 2 years later they got married.

  5. Yes. We were set up by mutual friends back in college, though I didn’t find out that it was a setup until something like 35 years later. Still married after 40 years.

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