Hi, for context I made an earlier post about our history but for a TLDR we’ve been together for 11 years, have hit a rough patch and I betrayed his trust by going through his phone.

I’ve avoided him for the last 2 days which is completely immature, and I’ve been crying a lot.

Last night, he said he was going out to spend a few hours with his friends which is totally okay by me. It’s not out of the ordinary for him to stay out late with friends, but we’ve had minimal communication and I can tell he’s upset with me. I tried calling him around 4, and he picked up the phone and then hung up.

I asked him if he was planning on coming home before work this morning and he didn’t respond to that text.

I apologized over text and we’ve been telling each other we love each other but I haven’t been able to sleep and I’m losing my mind over it.

I know I’m an idiot and I fucked up massively by going through his phone. He’s the love of my life, and I don’t want him to leave me. Please help me

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