so for some context i’m currently staying in ecuador (i’m from the US) and have been here for 3 months. i met a guy (my current boyfriend) the first week i was here and we instantly fell in love. he is 2 years old than me (he’s 25 and im 23) and the culture is very here (parties,sex). i thought of course he’s older then me he has more experiences and also how drastically different we grew up. but recently an innocent conversation between us turned into talking about previous partners. he had expressed in the past he didn’t want to talk about it and that almost always means they have a big body count. but i asked him what number is a lot for him and he said 100 which for me is yes a lot. and he continued to tell me about other experiences he’s had (threesomes,first time,etc) no in any super intense detail but enough for me to imagine in my mind. i instantly saw him in a different life after this and my brain went through all the things he’s ever said to me about women and relationships and i could understand why he views women the way he does. (he’s said things along the lines of the world is fully of beautiful women,all women are beautiful,etc. and hearing that from the man you want to only think of you is unsettling) i’m having trouble not thinking about this with everything i do with him (during sex or just innocently kissing or cuddling). i think about how many other women he’s done this same things with and i feel like another number. how do i deal with this?

TL;DR in summary found out my boyfriend has a big body count and it’s clouding my mind with him. how do i deal with this?

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