I have posted before here about this relationship and if people would like to read check my last post. So this relationship has had a lot of issues but my girlfriend has started to work on actively addressing them. She has started going to a therapist and physiotherapist which has been a big help to her and us. There are still 3 major problems though. She is far from getting a license, her parents are still crazy and hate me even though they still say they don’t, and she still sleeps endlessly leaving me feeling like I don’t get any time with her without having to never plan to do anything.

I recently went to a few concert with one of my oldest friends and her friend group and had an amazing time. For the first time I felt like I had fun. I didn’t have to feel like I was walking on egg shells around my girlfriends family. It has gotten me really questioning continuing this relationship.

I feel bad because she has worked so hard to start fixing things but all I feel is hate. I just feel like I have wasted so much time now with endless promises of fixes and changing and now here we are fixing them 5 years later.

I don’t know how to deal with this resentment I feel towards her because I feel like now I’m negatively impacting our relationship. I feel bad I’m even thinking of breaking but I feel trapped and miserable.

How would I go about breaking up with her gently when the number 1 reason I feel for the breakup is her parents?

TLDR; feeling resentful in a 5 year relationship after girlfriend finally started working on things

1 comment
  1. Tell her you went on a date with your old friend and enjoyed being in the moment with her so much you would like to recreate it with your girlfriend. That will most likely solve the unwanted relationship and you won’t have to be the one who breaks up.

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