i’m pretty sure i’ve now broken up with my boyfriend for good good this time. i confronted him the other day because he was liking pictures of girls I found really uncomfortable. I have told him this makes me insecure a couple times in the relationship and we’ve had huge fights over it and he always agrees not to and he honestly had not been for a long time but the fact he started doing it again upset me. it was mainly triggering also how he promises to change or commit to things and then always does it again. such as his promises to stop verbally abusing me. me and my partner never have issues unless i bring up something that hurts my feelings which is maybe once a month to be honest. or sometimes he will just have intense mood swings because he has bipolar disorder. after i confronted him about the photos he sent me several audios of him screaming at me and verbally abusing me and calling me the b word and numerous other nasty terms. and he said i brought out his behavior by picking a fight over something “so stupid”. his explanation for liking the picture was that he liked her tattoos and that i’m being insecure if she has a nice body and eventually he said “i’ll be honest she does have a nice body” but “i don’t want to be with her”. the picture was very provocative with a dirty caption. another example of a picture he liked was a girls torso and legs in a short skirt to wear u could slightly see her crotch. i just don’t understand why he feels the need to like pictures like these after we discussed it and the fact that i don’t even like selfies or thirst traps of other males. anyways the main reason i broke up with him was because of how insane his reaction was to this. also 2 months before, he punched a hole in the wall near my head after i confronted him for messaging his ex behind my back and i told him he had one last chance to clean up his behavior and that if he ever was abusive again i’d leave. i’ve also been cheated on and lied to in the first year of us together and he’s been verbally abusive throughout and claimed he was going to change. my partner has DID and his alters cheated but he himself was the one who lied to me about it because he was scared. it still broke my heart regardless. he hasn’t cheated since coming clean about his DID and us trying to manage his alters better. and although he has changed and become less toxic i’m tired of just letting things slide when he happens to be toxic. he was raised in a very toxic environment and is used to being verbally abused by his family and being abusive back which is why when we have issues he tends to revert back into toxic behaviors but i am not this type of abusive person. i’m tired of it. and it’s so hurtful that he doesn’t maintain his promises to change and correct his behavior for good. other than these issues when we were good he was very sweet and kind and caring and tried to improve our relationship and took care of me. but i just deserve better than this. i’ve definitely been settling out of love. and it hurts because he’s my first love and i’ve never loved anyone the way i did him. we have so many great memories together. i just wish he would treat me good all the time and wouldn’t abuse me when we fought. i just wish he really showed me he could consistently be the person he is most of the time. it hurts.

tl;dr: just broke up with boyfriend, toxic relationship, heartbreak

1 comment
  1. Please, for your own safety and mental health do not go back to him. Block him on everything and if needed, make police reports. I’m only mentioning the police report because from what you said, it wouldn’t shock me if he physically come and hurt you. Yes, his family and childhood was raised in a toxic household, but it shouldn’t be used as an excuse for his behavior. That also includes his DID. He needs to seek out help for it, or if he has find better help. His actions and reactions shows he doesn’t care for your feelings or your well being. He is making excuses and gaslighting you to make you seem like the problem. I’m glad you left him. Now you can heal, and be in a better place mentally and physically. Seeking out a therapist may be good for you too!

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