What was your first car?

  1. Blue Peugeot 207. It barely worked and I never knew if it would start, surprised every time it did.

  2. Real piece of shit 1997 Honda Civic HX. Bought for $1K, sold for $500. He was a damn fine shitbox.

  3. 1988-1/2 Ford Escort hatchback. I liked it because 1) it was a car 2) stick shift 3) looked like a foxbody Mustang.

  4. 1998 Chevy Cavalier 2 door. Man, the amount of money I wasted on doing “Fast and Furious” shit to that rig still boggles my mind…

  5. 1964 olive green Ford Mustang. It was then 11 years old, and not yet a “classic”. It was cheap. Ended up wrapped around a tree, and nobody in it at the time. Both those statements are true.

  6. 1971 Pontiac Gran Ville

    Longer and wider than my dad’s suburban and 8 miles per gallon.

    I both loved and hated that car

  7. I just got my license and I’m really considering a 2003 Mercedes E500. Probably not the most practical choice.

  8. The first car I purchased with my own money was a 1999 Nissan Sentra with a 5 five speed. I think I picked it up around 2017 or 2018. I still have that car to this day. Elizabeth she treats me good!

  9. 2004 Pontiac Grand AM (2.2L, not the big V6).

    Did me good, lasted me 11 years before rusty gas and brake lines were the last straw (after having already replaced some parts of the lines).

  10. 2005 Neon SRT in the most beautiful electric blue color. I loved that car until it got completely fucked up by a tanker truck

  11. I had a Ford 150 and grew up on Roosevelt street, my first job was a mechanic and I met my wife at bowling. Did I mention my mother’s maiden name is Pratt


  12. A ‘78 dodge omni death trap

    That shitbox must have been possessed or something. It would accelerate all by itself randomly

    If you buy your kid a car, make sure to get it inspected first

  13. ‘58 Viking 60. Not exactly living the pimp life dragging an old farm truck to school. My sister would die of embarrassment when I dropped her off anywhere.

  14. At age 16 it was my mom’s 1978 AMC Eagle Wagon. The first car I bought was a 1995 Camaro (terrible car)

  15. 1986 Audi 5000S .. passed on from my dad in ‘97. It was pretty crappy by that point. Once he borrowed it and returned it to me with a busted out driver side window. He said he didn’t know what happened and didn’t offer to fix it. Looking back at it I’m not sure if he broke it in a fit of rage or did it just to fuck with me for some reason. It was so weird. There was glass all over the inside too that I had to clean up.

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