Hi, I'm a woman (19F) and I like a guy (20M) that goes to my University. We started interacting about 1 month ago, and he shows these signs:

• Looks into my eyes (his pupils were dilated when I got to see them)

• Cracks a lot of dumb jokes when specifically I'M around

• Playfully teases me

• Casual touches while talking (in the arm, the shoulders)

• Smiles genuinely when we talk

• We walk together to our bus stops after Uni

And also, he once responded an instagram story of mine that said "Half of your beauty comes from the way you talk", saying "The other half comes from how autistic you are" (he teases me a lot with being autistic and such). Then we started talking a little more but it came to a point in which he stopped answering my texts, but later that day in class, he was super flirty with the way he looked at me (locked eyes and then smiled and turned around)

A friend of mine (that is also his friend) told me that he said he talks with girls looking for casual things, but that he likes one specific girl (didn't mention anything else). He texts a lot with these other girls but doesn't seem to do nearly the same with me.

I don't understand if he likes me or not, or if he likes me but want something serious. 🙁 Please give me some advice on how should/could I interpret these "signs" and what could I do to make it clear that I like him (without being too obvious)

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