I (18F) recently traveled to Thailand in order to pursue martial arts at a gym out here. This is where I met him (22M)

He is a Thai guy who works and trains at the gym so I see him everyday. He doesn’t speak a lot of English and I speak absolutely no Thai so sometimes we can struggle to speak to each other.

So far we’ve been using google translate if we can’t understand each other and that has helped a little but it’s obviously not the same as actually communicating.

Last night he came over to my room at the gym and we hung out for a bit, just talking. He was tired and I let him lay in my bed as I cleaned up my room. Eventually I came to lay with him, I don’t know how it happened but we basically began cuddling. We stayed like that all night, slept next to each other.

When we woke up in the morning, things were so calm and nice. He got ready and left to go back to his room before anyone was awake. I’m beginning to really see how kind he is, how soft and gentle he is and I admire how consistent he is with his training.

After training today he went and bought me some fruit which was very sweet of him, he doesn’t do that for anyone else and I’m starting to really wonder if maybe we could become something a little more serious in the future.

But I know the language barrier is tough, we can’t have in depth conversations, I’m wanting to begin learning Thai, he’s going to continue to learn more English. I just don’t know if it’s possible to make things work with this language barrier in the way?

TLDR: I met a Thai guy in Thailand but we have a huge language barrier and can’t communicate fully.

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