It's easy to take on "ugly" places, let's hear your criticism of the nice ones.

  1. Exeter. I’m sure the centre of it is nice if you can get there, but give it a try sometime and you’ll either be stuck in traffic for half the day or sat waiting at a park and ride for hours waiting for a bus that never comes, in my experience.

  2. Guarantee 90% of answers on this thread will be London and 90% of those will be people who’ve never been or went once 25 years ago and declared it awful

  3. Bath. I work there once or twice a week, and while it’s an objectively pretty place and historically interesting, the high street is horrifically busy (don’t get me started on the Christmas markets) and there doesn’t actually seem to be much going for it otherwise.

  4. Edinburgh. Too touristy, too dirty and too many arseholes who think because they’re from there that they’re superior to the rest of Scotland. Glasgows a thousand times better.

  5. Brighton: over-priced, over-hyped, full of trust-fund twats and self-consciously ‘cool’ people in vegan cafes with shallow vain little lives.

    It might have been a genuinely interesting place once, maybe in the 1960s-1990s, but it has become a victim of its own success.

  6. I know I’ll get downvoted for it but York, it’s too busy for the size of the city so it feels overly crowded, it always gets the stag/hen party crowds as well as those that have been to the races all day.

    The architecture and history is brilliant but it’s all become a bit too touristy etc

  7. Edinburgh. Just feels artificial especially the centre. It’s like there’s no real people going about their lives just tourists.

  8. A place can be otherwise very pleasant but I’m not going to like it if it is full of braying toffs in red Chinos.

  9. Great to see that all the usual Garys and Dereks from Dullfordshire have come out to inform us all how terrible London is on the basis of a trip to Oxford street and TGI Fridays they did one weekend in the late 1990s

  10. All those “friendly” towns and cities where people stare at you for being even slightly different. My (non-British) wife says she always breathes a sigh of relief when we get back to London.

  11. Doesn’t sound as if there’s anywhere decent to live in the UK based off these comments?

    I’m not from London, but have lived here a while. People saying it’s “rubbish” then tell you they live in Derby, it feels a bit odd. Maybe you just don’t like people?

  12. Edinburgh. Over hyped, hell to drive through and way too many people. Sadly, I need to go there this afternoon 🙁

    London is almost as bad (Londoner by birth), but at least it doesn’t pretend to be nice.

  13. Oxford. There’s a tiny amount of it that I’d call “Morse Oxford”. Most of it is pretty average but costs a fortune to live there.

    Also Bristol. They all talk like they’re so “weird” and “arty” but that just means sourdough bakeries and some junk shops.

  14. Not a city but Ilkley. Grew up there and the nature is nice but there’s naff all to do. When I visit now I’m looked at like an outsider by people who clearly weren’t born there. I remember when I was in school, they tried to build a cinema but the local oldies said it would ‘bring the wrong sort in’ even though kids from Keighley and Silsden already came through for organized fights as they saw likely as soft. Then they made the entire river area a no drinking zone (you know, because there’s nothing else for young people to do) and then immediately started calling the police whenever they saw young people near the river in the evening.

  15. Harrogate.

    It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just OK. There’s nothing special about it to merit the reputation.

  16. When people say London I have to laugh. There’s some lovely parts and some absolute shit-holes.

    York is nice in the day but at night fuck me it’s full of coked up twats and tacky stag and hen nights.

    I find Manchester overrated, but I like Leeds which a lot of people hate.

  17. Canterbury – has plummeted downhill quicker than an Olympic goal medal winning bob sleigh team.

  18. I’m going to say London for two reasons:

    1) it’s genuinely horrible

    2) it upsets all the worst people on here.

  19. Winchester, nothing but overpriced pubs / bars & restaurants. People flock to it, but it’s the blandest nice town with nothing to do

  20. Bristol. Neglected infrastructure, dirty, expensive, congested, polluted, not as progressive and alternative as many would believe and diabolical transport options. People seem to believe that’s part of its charm but when you leave and then come back it’s really not charming

  21. Came to comment Bath. Clicked on the post and was surprised to see I’m not the only one.

    Used to work there and commuted every day from Bristol.

    +Very polluted.
    +Filled with shallow conservatives.
    +Problems with drugs and homelessness.
    +Not very diverse.
    +Oddly crowded a lot of the time.
    +Culturally in denial about its links to slavery.
    +Faux Georgian buildings ruining the cityscape.

    Just a naff city really.

  22. Chester. It’s a lovely place but people act like it’s beyond amazing. It’s a city that you can walk across in literally 10 minutes with less than a single days worth of sights to see.

  23. I’m bound to upset a fair few people here with this one, but to Hell with it . . .

    Bristol is generally considered to be quite nice. I grew in near there and lived there about 7 years ago and while it can certainly be a fun place to be if you’re young and does indeed have some very nice areas still, I can’t help but think that in many respects, I was looking at it through rose tinted glasses.

    Broadmead (City Centre) and Stokes Croft (Trendy area) isn’t especially clean, there’s junkies and ne’er-do-wells quite openly taking drugs, wondering about like zombies and leaving their drug paraphernalia everywhere. There’s litter, sick and even (on several occasions I have seen) human feces strewn about the place.

    Also it’s quite expensive in general, filled to the brim with unwashed leaflet droppers and the nightlife is nothing to write hone about (unless you’re a fan of Drum & Bass, then you’re sorted).

    I don’t hate the place and do go there reasonably often for necessities sake for certain things, but it is really rather grim in many respects and (at least for a younger me) used to be a lot more desirable to spend time in.

  24. Bristol – one time I went it looked grim

    Canterbury – it’s boring

    London – Far too busy

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