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Welcome to our daily scheduled post, the Daily Slow Chat.

If you want to just chat about your day, if you have questions for the moderators (please mark these [Mod] so we can find them), or if you just want talk about oatmeal then this is the thread for you!

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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. Oxford,warmer this morning.6° at 7am

    Nice day of walking, museums, colleges and pubs yesterday.We went to the ‘Evensong’ at Christ Church College Cathedral, which has a traditional boys choir..a beautiful setting.

    Heading to Blenheim Palace today, outside the city.It looks very impressive from the pictures.

  2. Reddit informed me that I have unlocked a new achievement as “content connoisseur” at AskEurope. Does it mean that from now on I have to taste every comment for clarity, density, nose, color, taste and aftertaste? Because that sounds a bit tedious.

    It is another sunny, chilly morning. I think this is a good weekend for Zwiebelkuchen, though I will probably wait a bit since I had a bit of a stomach bug yesterday. I don’t want to throw up another delicious meal :/ God I hate stomach bug. I wonder where I got it.

    Question for a cosy weekend! What does your ideal (gender-neutral) man cave look like? Let’s say you have a large room, around 25 sqm.

    And another weird question. If you have alphabet shaped foods (pretzels, Russich brot, alphabet soup, cookies whatnot) do you just eat them, or do you try to write stuff with them first?

  3. Back in primary school it was drilled into my brain that the first traffic light in Europe was built in Potsdamer Platz in 1924. This fact has remained in my brain ever since, taking up valuable real estate that could otherwise have been devoted to frivolous things like, oh I dunno, emotional intelligence, or remembering where I put my keys this morning, or understanding tensor notation, but somehow, after significant contemplation, I never decided to dispose of it during my annual spring clean of my brain, in the hope that some day, *some day*, it would come in handy.

    Well what do you know, yesterday, after more than 20 years, I finally found a use for it.

    Thank you, lone brain cell. I should never have doubted you.

  4. It looks like something is beginning to budge in Ukraine after 2.5 years of war. The situation for the Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk is looking grim for its defenders as the Russians move in. The Kursk front, which was looking better for Ukraine a few weeks ago, has stalled.

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