I need a new prospective or just someone telling that I'm not the only one that feels this way and making new friends is still possible. I'm 36m and up until 33 ish I was a social butterfly constantly surrounding my self with people I called my friends. I'm married and have a kid under 6(no complaints there), majority of my friends are in a similar position but right after around 33 I just noticed that everyone started drifting apart. I was always the guy organizing things and inviting friends to do things and little by little things started to add up. Everyone was beefing in some shape or form, manly drama here and there, everyone started drifting apart. If there were arguments no one wanted to resolve them in any meaningful way and I couldn't be there for everyone to fix their shit because I had my own things to worry about. I found my self at a loss and lost interest completely when I got into some major traumatic events, that most of my friends knew about, and no one really gave a fuck. So I realized that in general my circle didn't give a fuck about each other as true friends would that had your back, it was all kinda superficial, as long as everyone still did and shared similar hobbies things are alright, outside that the fake image of how I perceived it all wasnt real. So I let go, stopped being the buddy who invites and organizes, always willing to help out, be there and check up on their struggles and straight up everyone just fucked off.

On the bright only one friend who stayed true and we both talk and hang out when we can but he's very preoccupied with his family and we can't hang out much and do bro things like we used to.

So my question is how do I find new friends that actually want to have a meaningful connection, can rely on each other, be there for each other, share concerns and just over all have a back bone. My idea is that this process takes years of building up trust around each other to share the experiences. I don't wona go through this process again, I don't want to waste time and be disappointed again. I just fucking want 2 or 3 more buds where we actually genuinely give a fuck about each other. Is that so hard to find?

This is more of me venting but rant over, thanks for reading.

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