What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done that still blows your mind to this day?

  1. Okay, mine might be pretty tame, but I took a Greyhound bus across the country by myself. I have mental health issues, and doing something like that was CRAZY to attempt alone for me. It was terrifying, and I had some weird encounters, but I did it, and I survived 👏

  2. Biked for my life while two coyotes chased me down after I rode by their den not knowing it was there. They chased me for a half mile making all kinds of horrifying noises and attempts in the dark.

    My trail was washed out, I got lost after dark and disturbed this family finding a rideable path.

    I know they were “escorting me”, but I decided to stop having long fake nails after that because I had a hell of a time getting my bear spray out of its holder.

    They changed directions because a hare ran when I approached and they went after it instead.

  3. Dropped liquid lsd into my eyeballs when I was 13 or 14. It blows my mind especially when I look at my 16 year old sister and she’s so sweet, everything I wish I could have been as a teenager, and I was an absolute gremlin who would eat candy off the floor hoping it was dosed with something 🥴🤣 the acid in the eyes will always blow my mind though. I will never forget that pain I felt when the alcohol mixture hit my eyes, and the crazy visuals I got that night were unexplainable but unforgettable. Mind blowing to me that it was encouraged by 20 year olds too because I couldn’t imagine doing any of this crap now !!

  4. Seems so minor in contrast to what’s posted so far but …

    Was sitting in a parking lot having a cig in my car before heading into the grocery store. It was later in the evening, dark, but a good town and I was under a light. Guy comes up to me and starts propositioning me for sex in broken English. Started with just telling me I’m pretty “Nah, I’m good please leave” keeps on while kinda playing the *I don’t fully understand what you’re saying since I don’t speak much english* kinda angle and eventually gets so bold as to reach his arm through my window to try and stroke my hand. Nah. Rolled my window up enough to give his arm a good squeeze, then looked him in the eye with meanest of mugs and said “Understand me now?”

    Craziest for me because I spent all of my life up till that point being the fawn in those situations. Just freezing and becoming so meek. I’ve been molested by family, catcalled since my tits came in at 13, drugged and raped….and there was no fawn here, just full fucking over it. Blows my mind that I managed to do something that felt as badass (in my mind in that moment) as like walking away from an explosion without looking back lol.

  5. Was abroad, interning. Met guy in January, who was there for business off and on. Saw each other maybe 5 or 6 times. Then booked a vacation in another country together. I spent every bit of cash I had on the flight and realised at the airport my phone was broken. Told nobody where I was going, or with whom – not that I really even knew where we were going, he booked all of that and I didn’t have the faintest idea. Miraculously was neither murdered nor trafficked and married the guy a couple of years later.

  6. Competed in a musical improv show that I was invited to do (i.e. improvising songs, live, in front of an audience, competitively).

  7. A three month solo trip through Europe. After being frugal and saving for years, I left my job, stored my belongings and moved out of my apartment, packed a carry-on bag, and traveled through 15 countries on my own. I was 34 at the time, but I look back like wow that was crazy ha ha.

  8. Gave birth. I’ve been skydiving and absailing, travelled the world… Giving birth is by far the craziest thing that still blows my mind. I look at my child and can’t believe I made them and spat them out my foo foo.

  9. I went skydiving at 18 to conquer my fear of heights. I’m still afraid of heights, but I’ll never forget the feeling of trusting a complete stranger with my life and dropping 10,000 feet in the air off a plane.

  10. Sometimes it hits me really hard that I’m a mom and I birthed a child and had a major surgery for that.

    I’m 27 but in my head I’m still 17.

  11. near my apartment in college, there was an old four story convent. it was covered in scaffolding due to a complete facade renovation.

    of course this was the place to hang out….

    that summer, my boyfriend and I climbed up to the top of the building using the scaffolding to hang out almost nightly. we didn’t even need the privacy, I had my own place.

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