So for context i recently started back to school and on the second day I made friends with this girl (I’ll call her A) and she’s been really nice so far. On the first day she apparently made a group of friends and in that group some girls in the group seem to already know each other and they all seem really close

My question is: is there a way for me to become friends with the group? So far I’m friends with A and we talk to each other and partner up where we can and the fact I’m usually with her means I’m with the group a lot of the time as well so from the outside it probably looks like I am friends with the group but the problem is I haven’t said a word to anyone else.

I’m pretty bad at talking to people, I only spoke to A because we were both on our own and didn’t know what was going on at the time (new school issues). I don’t want to immediately come off as weird to them by starting a conversation they’re not interested in or inserting myself into a conversation they’re having or something like that. Would it be easier/ better to befriend them one at a time until I just fit in?

And I think my main issue and question is how do I start conversations with people I don’t know at all?

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