And is it really such a bad thing if I string a guy along abit because I don’t want to break up with him?

I like him but he’s trying to move tok quickly and I fear it won’t end well so I feel I need to get out

  1. Don’t string him along. Be direct to him and hopefully he’ll understand and make more of an effort to match your energy

  2. What has happend with people just being honest to each other?

    You like him, but you feel it goes tok fast.. TELL HIM

    “Hey I really do like you, but I feel like you’re moving a bit too fast and I need more time. Is that okay?”

    If that doesnt work just break it off with him.

  3. So, do you want him or not? If you’re afraid to ruin things because you guys are moving too fast, then sit him down and tell him that. If you’re not interested anymore, then let him go and stop stringing him along for your entertainment. Other people aren’t your toys.

  4. You see others having fun and being a priority when your the bud of the joke and then eventually when they said they’d have your back you get stabbed in the back

  5. If you know you don’t want him then there’s no reason in staying and that’s not fair to him either

  6. Don’t string people along. It’s mean and hurtful. I’ve just had it happen to me and it’s destroyed my heart. Just be honest and don’t be a coward. It’s not fair to the other person.

  7. >I like him but he’s trying to move tok quickly and I fear it won’t end well so I feel I need to get out

    Wow. Your first thought is to bail. Before you do that, you can give him a chance and communicate to him that you want to take it slow, so you two can get to know each other better. And if he doesn’t, then you can bail.

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