My wife and I have been married over 21 years. Like all other marriages, we had some really low lows and some really high highs. Nothing is as high as it now. We laid in bed all evening yesterday in just our underwear just doing nothing. It felt so good just rubbing on her skin and feeling her presses against me.

We had a great marriage before this revival happened a few weeks ago, but now it has had hit another level. It sorta feels like when you find your first love, but 100 times better and so much more passion and intensity.

I feel so lucky to have have this when I see other marriages loose intimacy. I don’t feel I deserve this. I just wanted to tell someone.

  1. Sounds awesome. It feels amazing to reconnect and rediscover each other.

  2. We’ve been in what I’ve been calling our second honeymoon phase for about 4 years now. Been making a really conscious effort to keep it actively going. It really is wonderful and with all the years together it really is better than the first honeymoon phase. Maybe we can all make this one last the rest of our marriages!

  3. Do you mind if I ask what sparked the renewed Honeymoon Phase? If it’s too personal a question I apologize

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