You’re teleported back into whatever you were doing 14 years ago (same month, same day, same time); what would you most likely be doing?

  1. Sleeping in my childhood bed enjoying 5th grade but also having nightmares about middle school being right around the corner…

    Also probably trying to stifle a panic attack brought on by my abusive family.

  2. Hiding in the anthropology lab doing some kind of work on my bone trauma collection while juggling TA stuff and deciding whether or not I want to hide in the campus rescue office to finish the work and risk getting hooked for a call.

  3. I was 15 and school would have just started back up this week so most likely I’d be drunk in some field right now celebrating the new school year.

  4. I was just about to have a huge promotion in my career and I was working open to close every day cleaning up a shit show. 100% I’d be at work.

  5. Started my sophomore year of high school. I would probably be asleep but if not I would have been playing World of Warcraft.

  6. It’s 8 AM on a Sunday so I’d possibly be still asleep, if it was a regular day I’d be at school. I was about to turn 11 soon, 4th grade just started like two weeks ago.

  7. having beef with my third grade teacher who hated me and publicly humiliated me due to my bad penmanship. she bullied me into having good handwriting which is wild to think about.

  8. In high school. In love with my first love. Losing my virginity. Still thinking I’ll play my sport i love at a high level in the near future. Having no care in the world. Being a lot more kind and a warmer person. Ignorance is bliss

  9. Probably making out with my then-boyfriend after he snuck me in his mom’s house lol. He is now my husband and his old room he’d sneak me into is now our daughter’s after his mom gave us the house.

  10. Oh wow, I was travelling Europe. I’m not sure where exactly I was, but either Belgium or Amsterdam – so I’d be walking old streets and going to cool museums

  11. I was working a crappy job at Burger King, dating and living with a man who couldn’t give a shit about me.

  12. I’d have been in work (at a job I’ve since left) getting ready to start my PhD (which I’ve since finished). Though I’d also have been living in the same house I’m in now with the same cat.

  13. Back in Seattle dating someone who was cruel to me. My peers thought I was not good enough for him because he’s a lawyer.

  14. About to turn 12, just having started the equivalent of high school. Stressing about who to invite to my party and who not because aaah people

  15. Living in a city I hated with a partner I was too naive and hopeful to see the real signs of and run

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