Alright, I really need advice and I'm just going to pour my thoughts out because I feel a bit exhausted in this relationship now.

We met in June of 2022 with a one night stand that lead us to really liking each other and into a relationship. I was moved in her place by November and in December her father died. Since then I was being supportive and going to her sister's or her mom's place which is 1.5h away each Saturday since she didn't drive. We suddenly bought a car together that December. We did this for almost a 2 years it seems, each weekend we are at my parents house, her moms house with her siblings or at her sister's house separately.

Bear in mind my GF has 4 siblings who are "close", she is closest with her second oldest sister and is her son's godmother as well. She pretty much drops everything for her siblings, and she chases her sister's kid around all the time and pretty much does anything and wants to be at her place any opportunity she gets to play with him and hang out with her sister.

I am an introvert and I also have Chron's Disease and I WFH, so I like my alone time a lot lately I realized, that before this relationship, I was able to hangout with my friends socially gaming, play video games, watch my shows with peace.

She always wants to be doing something or be at her families, I love them but quite frankly after a while I started feeling sick of it and started demanding Saturday's to myself and Sunday's for her. It's like they're always calling her over and we're always there and a lot of the time she's just playing with her nephew.

If she's not at her families the only common thing we do is watch TV or something or build Legos. Sometimes I feel like she has no hobbies because I cannot just be left alone by myself.

This weekend I finally got to play some WoW and we had an argument how I'm not doing chores, when in reality, I cook on Sundays, clean when I feel things are dirty, she wants to clean and vacuum every week or something. I'm a clean person, I clean and keep it clean and do it when I feel like its time.

So without me constantly being around she doesn't really have anything to do, it's getting exhausting feeling like I can't even enjoy my hobbies and I'm just doing stuff for her and her family and nephew.

I want to stay home on weekends, work is tiring, I have IBD and Crohn's sometimes I feel tired or in a bad mood. She's a great girlfriend and pretty much is a people pleasure and tries to do everything for everyone all the time and I'm dragged into it. I mind my business and just stay home.

I'd like to play games, study for work, browse Reddit, take certs for work, study CS but all those are solo things and I feel like I can't.

She's also pressuring me to engagement and marry + kid as she's 4 years older.

I'm down for that but it's only been 2 years and 1 of those years her dad passed and it was a weird time and we weren't really intimate.

Please advice.

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