I(23m) have recently been talking to a (26F) and i am a super techy dude, i work at a job where i could be on my phone whenever to check it or reply, and ive always replied instantly when i hear the notification that someone texted me weather it be a friend or family member.

Now me and this girl have been talking for about a month and we both seem really interested, we also play games together when were both on but as stated earlier i reply very quickly. she on the other hand, replies sometimes very slowly (sometimes but rarely 8-9 hours) shes never mentioned it but i feel like i need to stop replying too quickly and i dont know how to unlearn this bad behavior.

The only time it really has effected me, was that i texted her, and she didnt respond all day, and around 7 hours i happened to get on to play games and she was on for probably an hour or less in the same game with her friends, but for some reason it kinda hurt alot which is somthing i never felt before. after 40 mins of me playing alone she texted back, saying her friend asked why wasnt i playing with them. how do i become less glued to my phone and i know i should have more hobbies, but ive always responded to people i know while im doing said hobbies or work?

we talked about it very briefly but it boiled down to that she doesnt check her phone often and cant hear when her phone goes off because she has headphones on while she games. which i used to be the same way a few years ago, but now i usually have my phone in view or earshot most of the day

i feel so bad that i have to ask this and i know its only been a month but i have never dealt with something like this before in relationships. mostly its we text back as soon as we can in the past but im just not used to feeling weird replying too fast. i really like her and we share so much in common, i really dont want to fumble this by overthinking myself to oblivion

TLDR: how do i stop replying fast if she doenst? i wouldnt say im addicted to my phone but writing this out makes me think otherwise

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