I had this friend for a few years but I had to cut him off because he never made the effort to reach out first (I stopped reaching out first and we didn’t have conversation for months but I eventually just told him we can’t be friends anymore). Half the people I talk to say it’s valid but the other half don’t get my point of view. I talked abt how I have an issue with this with him multiple times a year but all he did was make fake promises and never actually improved or anything. The thing is everyone says “that’s just the way he is” but I personally find that to be a really pathetic and weak excuse because that type of behavior shouldn’t be normalized imo. To me all friendships should be a two way street or at the very least not one person carrying all the weight. Sometimes I feel like I want to be friends with him again but other times I feel like it was the best decision for me to make. Im not sure if I’m going crazy or something because I see mixed opinions so would you say it was a valid reason to cut him off?

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