I was introduced to this guy (24) through a friend and after that night we met we started chatting a lot more and after the second hang out I found out he had a child on the way with someone he was not with/or been in a relationship previously. I immediately told him I wasn’t interested and we could just be friends. Months go by and we continue talking and hanging out and it’s sort of become a thing atp. I’ve told him he should try to be with the mother of his child and he says that’s not what’s going to make him happy and he wants to be with me. There have been a few red flags leading up to this like him not communicating how he feels on situations and me (25) going out to bars etc but atp it’s been 8 months. He sees his child often which is great I just somehow feel I’m in the way of all of this. He’s bad at saying how he feels in person and will address issues over text after we see each other and had all this time to talk about it. I’ve addressed this and tried to end it in a way but he goes on about how happy I’ve made him and why I’m doing this is “we’re so happy”. I guess I’m just looking for advice or anyone that’s gone through something similar and if I should even continue.

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