My boyfriend and I have been together for a year. Our sex life was amazing for the first few months, but lately it’s been getting progressively worse. He doesn’t initiate sex, and he’s rarely interested when i ask. He says he is constantly tired and feels a lot of pressure to perform when I ask him why we’re not intimate.
But his reactions are getting more and more concerning, they almost are like he is traumatised and I’m triggering him by asking about it or instigating it. The last time I tried to flirt with him, he burst into tears thinking I was expecting sex (I wasn’t, it was just a bit of flirting).

He’s on holiday at the moment, and I made a joke about sex workers (he was in Vegas, and my mum told me people on the strip hand out cards for girls). He told me if I need to get my needs met, he’s okay with me finding a professional to get them met. With everything else going on, this has really shaken me & I don’t know how to feel.

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