I’m a 29F and I have never had a boyfriend before or had sex. There are several reasons for this but long story short, I suffered from some serious mental health issues for most of my life and I really was not in the best place to date people. My life didn’t really turn around until I was 27 when I finally made some big changes in my life and started putting myself out there to date. Before then I focused on my education, career and moving to a new city. Now I’m 29 and I have a great job, a master’s degree and I own a condo. I have always been hard on myself and I’m trying to change the way I think about myself and be more positive. However, sometimes I can’t help but mourn the fact that I did not experience love and sex earlier in my life. It seems like that is a right of passage when you are younger. I know I’m not old but I’m not in college anymore and people my age are already married. I just feel behind. As for sex, I need an emotional connection in order to enjoy intimacy so I have never even hooked up with anyone before. I had always wanted to wait until I was in a relationship.

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