Hold on .. before you gangbabg me over the title …

I know about all the disasters that porn make to our brains, I had read multiple books and articles about it, and me myself I used to be addicted to porn…

Gradually over the last year I had been lowering my porn dosage, now it is like an hour or so within a full month !

And here is what I figured out, leaving porn completely is nearly as destroying as being addicted to it!

I have this instinct that I am a man from a group of men that they just cannot live their whole life's with 1 women , no matter how attractive and faithful she is (Coolidge effect)…
I mean think about it , since the ancient history most men would have multiple women PLUS some slaves !
In this age both is not allowed, a man is expected to marry one woman for the rest of his life and be completely satisfied ! Well this does not work for me …

Correcte if I am wrong, I think that moderate porn usage (2-3 hours per week) is some sort of healthy!
I mean it is a small break to escape reality and fulfil the imagination…
Think about it like watching Netflix, 1 hour per day won't hurt and could be good for mood changing and entertainment…., but loosing your life and watching movies 10 hours per day is a disaster …

In short , I believe that the modern age man needs porn just like the modern age women needs Instagram!

Anyone had similar experience? Anyone could share their thoughts?

PS: I am a 30 YO happily married man…

  1. Modern woman don’t need instagram, theres plenty of girls without it. And modern men don’t need porn.
    Both genders can choose to use these things as entertainment. But damn this is bullshit. You know how many other things used to be normal back then ? You cannot cherry pick. Woman had unwashed bushes in slave times you know that right. And unshaved legs. You like that ?

  2. ‘Need’ is the wrong word, we men got off just fine before VHS tapes and the internet. But there’s nothing inherently wrong with porn, just the exploitation of an unregulated porn industry. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with having an imagination and taking care of yourself.

    I’d add a proviso about moderation, but the only place I hear about porn ‘addiction’ is on the internet so I cant help being doubtful that it’s a real thing — rather than being second-hand purity culture perversion.

  3. You might have a point but you completely blew it out the water with the BS that some men naturally “cannot” be monogamous or that “since ancient history most men would have multiple women PLUS some slaves”. Really?!! You claim to be a 30 year old but this is classic misogynist alpha male influencer rubbish that spotty 16 year teens blame for not getting laid yet. Reality is the “need” to have sex with more people is just a lack of self control & respect for your partner, neither of which are signs of a good man.

    Most men throughout history lived in basic one or two room houses with their one wife and many children, many also their parents or in-laws. That’s the stark reality of the past. People didn’t have the privacy to do more than occasionally fumble under the sheets or behind a bush. Only the rich had it better, normally by exploiting others and real men should never need to exploit others to better their lives or themselves.

    As to porn usage: addiction is when something becomes a problem and affects other aspects of your life. For a lot of people porn causes problems. How much porn usage is a problem varies on the person’s personality and susceptibility to addiction. Everyone has to work out what’s healthy for them and their relationships. For some a couple of hours occasionally is fine for others it has to be zero. We are a spectrum.

  4. Men, most men can not tell the difference between sex and emotional validation.

    This led us to fetishise sex to a degree that we can now even feel like a harem leading warlord without being even capable of talking to a woman.

    If you support the brain in a jar theory, that basically the same thing. But even then, I would argue that proper neurochemical homeostasis requires more than just the chemical cocktail produced by an orgasm. And in pursuing just the orgasm we fundamentally disregard a huge chunk of the male human experience.

  5. I am sorry. But this sounds like an excuse to justify a relapse in your recovery.

    An addiction is an addiction and many addicts will justify that a little bit won’t hurt, or will justify ‘everyone else is doing it’. I do appreciate how hard it can be to kick any addiction, and I honestly wish you every success in the very difficult task of breaking it.

  6. I disagree, I struggled with BED and in particular chocolate was my worst binge food. If you went back to old times it would be a lot harder for me to binge because the amount of sugar, fats and carbs aren’t quite up to snuff.

    Similarly I believe porn is engineered towards beeing easier to become addicted, and once that crutch is too deep, you’ll have “unlimited” urge to feed the addiction.

    This does sound like a justification to use porn, AND like a crutch, because you could put in the effort to spice up the bedroom. Bring in costumes or something new.

    You could also explore the idea if monogamy actually is something for you, I personally was a lot happier in an open relationship, even if it isn’t for everyone.

  7. 2-3 hours per week! How long does it take you to get off? I’m quite happy with 2-3 minutes per week.

  8. Are your habits harmful to yourself or your partner? Is the content you consume harmful to its subjects? 

    If you have answered no to both questions then I don’t believe you need to justify yourself.  

    I don’t believe adult content is inherently harmful. Like alcohol it can become habit forming or harmful, but it can also be consumed responsibly. 

  9. Porn can create problems. If you are in a relationship then I think that it’s best to give up the porn and focus purely on the sex.

  10. This is incorrect;
    – *”I mean think about it , since the ancient history most men would have multiple women PLUS some slaves!”*

    A tiny minority of men has this type of wealth or power.

    Desiring it may have been normal back then but having any slsves would have been a major wealth marker in what was a far poorer world.

  11. I think your ‘group of men’ are a poor influence and full of shit. You need better friends. Assuming they are of a similar age to you there is probably some degree of macho bullshit about conquest because they aren’t yet comfortable with who they are. It is also possible that you aren’t built for monogamy and you need to be extremely clear to your potential partners that is something that is not a default setting for you or it will have disastrous results.

    I have a **much** higher libido than my amazing wife and I don’t even have a thought in the back of my head that what I need is multiple partners unless in the context of special guests that we would entertain together. For me porn is just a low key fun hobby and fills in the gaps. Several hours a week of porn seems excessive to me but everyone’s journey is their own.

  12. Real question is: How do you even have 2-3 hours a week alone to yourself being married? I

  13. > since the ancient history most men would have multiple women PLUS some slaves !  

    Weird claim. Any evidence besides an Andrew Tate video?

    And even should you be able to sorta show it, how does it connect to you?

  14. as long as kids and teenagers aren’t being exposed to it. there needs to be more safeguards on internet

  15. You need to think less about porn and how you want to own women, and more about finding a better therapist, bud.

  16. Sounds like you need to tell your wife that you’ve realized you need to be polyamorous. Read The Elthical Slut while you’re at it. She very likely won’t be up for that, but she deserves the chance to be with someone who has the same ideas about how their relationship should be structured. Otherwise, it sounds like it’s just a matter of time before you cheat, tbh. Go find a partner who is just fine with both of you having other sexual partners.
    And unpack some of your bs misogynistic beliefs before inflicting yourself on any women.

  17. Elaborate explanation to justify doing whatever you want. Have some discipline, you’re not an animal.

  18. Multiple wives, concubines and slaves… If you were rich/royalty sure. That was not on the table for commoners or peasants, which historicaly, is what the vast majority of the population was.

    You could make an argument that that’s why brothels existed or tavern wenches in the old west were there. But again, that was only if you had money to spare.

    >moderate porn usage (2-3 hours per week)

    2-3 HOURS a week? This is where you really lose me. Yes it varies by person, but as the average video on the hub is right around 15-20min long, we’ll use that as the length per. That would mean you are getting off to porn anywhere from 8-12 times (+/-) per week. That’s not moderate usage. If you were to say 2-3 times per week, okay I could potentially see your point, but daily or multiple times a day… That’s still an addiction to it.

  19. I think the anti porn movement is ridiculous and overblown. Porn doesn’t do anything to your brain. No one is “addicted” to porn. It’s a trumped up fake moral panic from the same people who think Project 2025 is a good idea.

    Porn is fine and masturbating keeps your prostate healthy.

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