Who is someone you miss terribly? Why?

  1. my sister. she’s studying abroad for a semester, but she’s probably the person closest to me. I am really happy for her, but it’s been tougher than I expected.

  2. My grandpa, George. He passed away when I was 5, I have a lot of wonderful intense memories with him. After he died, my childhood took a major turn for the worse.

  3. My uncle. He died of cancer over a decade ago. I wish so badly that he could have seen his grandkids grow up. Every year that I get closer to the age he passed, it hits harder

  4. My mum, we lost her less than a month ago to cancer. There are just lots of firsts and little moments that I miss her. Best to describe it is waves and pin pricks constantly.

  5. My mom. She was my best friend and probably the one person on this planet who loved me. She died 4 years ago I miss her every day.

  6. My nan. She’s always been my most favourite person, and she’s always had my back. It’s been almost 2 years and I still well up whenever I think of her

  7. My friend Jordan

    He Jordan, he stayed behind in America when I left

    We would have soooo much fun together, we played video games together, watch movies, go on little dates, he was amazing, miss him a ton

    Worst part is when I went back to America to visit family the other month, he was OUT of America T_T

  8. my grandmother, it’s been 5 years since she’s passed and i miss her like no other. she was a kind and patient soul, and didn’t deserve the demise she had to face. i regret not spending enough time with her

  9. My best friend who died in 2004 at 21. The world will never be as bright. He could walk into any room as a stranger and walk out with friends.

  10. My uncle. He died over a decade ago unexpectedly at the age of 28. I’m older now than he ever got to be, and I really wish he was still here

  11. My Mum, she died when I was 20 nearly 1 year ago now. My son is nearly a year old, and being a Mum without your own is a whole new wound to open.

    If you still have your mum, please for me ask them about what they struggled with when you were little, how they weaned you, and what they loved most about you as a baby. Just ask them stuff often as trust me wondering will drive you nuts.

  12. My best friend who just recently moved to Florida. Since my mom passed away I’ve felt so lonely since then. I just miss being able to have open conversations about anything and not feel judged. I miss her so dearly

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