TL;DR: Right when I accepted being single and stopped actively seeking a relationship, a relationship found me. Ironically, I had been using Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge with no results for years, but it was a smaller app where I met her—just before I turned 31 and was ready to give up on dating altogether.Context: Growing up as a shy, introverted guy (M, 5'4"), dating always felt out of reach.

In college, I faked my way to confidence, making lots of friends but was still struggling when it came to actually dating. I was more of the "friendly" type than the "flirty" type. I went on my first Tinder date at 25 and had a couple of dates after that, but nothing ever stuck. My attempts on Bumble and Hinge weren't much better. Over time, rejection felt so common that I started believing romance just wasn't meant for me. What I wanted most was a partner who felt like a best friend.

A month ago, out of boredom, I swiped through Wink and matched with a girl who, at first, I wasn't even sure about. But after we texted non-stop and went on a few fun dates, I started really liking her. By our fourth date, I felt hesitant to make any moves because I was so used to rejection. But sitting by a moonlit pool that night, she leaned in and kissed me! It felt like a movie scene (I know I’m cliche).

A few weeks later, we're officially a couple! We keep growing more comfortable and confident with each other, and things just keep getting better. After struggling on multiple dating apps for years, I never saw this coming—but it seems timing (and maybe a little persistence) brought us here.

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