I know people are going to say that I sound quite materialistic but I just want more advice than anything.

My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. Throughout these 3 years he's taken me for supper for both my birthdays and got me gifts besides for this year. Every year for his birthday I make a huge effort taking him to get a couples massage, getting him multiple gifts, taking him for suppers or lunches etc.

This year he didn't get me anything, as he said he couldn't afford a gift and to do something. So he said he'll take me out to dinner as a present. Because of plans we didn't even go out to dinner. I was quite upset that he didn't get me anything because of the huge efforts I put into him and I've seen him get all of his family members big gifts this year.

I'm quite understanding that he is in a tough situation financially that's why I never expect anything, all year round we split half or I pay when we go out for dinners. But on my birthday I did expect something, even small like a card or a chocolate, which my friends bave agreed with.

When he told me he didn't get me anything I was visibly upset, but didn't say anything as I didn't want to make him feel bad but he brought it up which caused an argument where he called me materialistic and said that we must stop getting eachother gifts on our birthdays. Which got me quite upset as he gets gifts for all of his family members and even on mother's day and father's day gets his parents expensive gifts, but can't even afford to get me a chocolate?

Am I being materialistic? And an AH for getting upset?

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