So I'm a 21 yo virgin, I've never dated and except for a single drunk kiss I have no experience whatsoever.

A couple of weeks ago I matched on tinder with this girl, she's amazing, and I know she likes me a lot back.

So… I went to two dates, the second date was last Thursday, I went there with the goal to kiss her, but I wasn't able to… even tho I had three different occations, one of those really romantic too…

Now… I feel like after these two dates and especially after texting all day long for two weeks our relationship is making really good progresses… except when it comes to the physical part of it… (the bad weather of the last week didn't help) the farthest we went was her kissing my cheek, and it feels kinda weird, it feels like we grew affectionated and gained trust with each other extremely fast without making any step forward physically (I won't explain why I feel that because it would take too long)

How should I kiss her? I have NO idea how to find the right moment or what to do when it comes… I feel like the next time I see her (probably Tuesday) I have to kiss her, otherwise I'll just waste time…

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