I’m so stressed out right now. I’ve been dating my (ldr) boyfriend for about a year, and I really love him. I love talking to him, being around him, and most everything about our relationship. I have two brothers (26 and 23) who I’m really close with and today I finally introduced my oldest one to my bf (we’re long distance), who later joked that he and my other brother look really similar, and my other brother apparently later said that they could be twins.

I didn’t notice that. I met my bf on hinge and never once thought he looked like my brother, never once even thought to compare them (because literally why would I do that) and now I’m stressed out and have gone over every single picture I have of him to compare them. There are two pictures in which the angle makes them look alike and I honestly feel like crying and throwing up.

I love them both so much but just the idea of it makes me so sick. I ended up asking my sister and parents if they looked alike and only my dad said that they look a little bit similar but only their noses, and that I shouldn’t worry too much about it, but I ended up telling my friend and she keeps saying they’re practically twins and i just don’t know what to do

I don’t want to throw away everything my bf and I have because of a few comments esp because I love him so much and as pretty as he is I’m not just with him for how he looks, but it’s just making me uncomfortable that people not only think they look alike, but now I see it too.

This isn’t clickbait or bots or anything I genuinely need advice I feel so sick right now but should I break it off or stay with him? Do I even tell him and how would I say it? I might feel better after some time but I’m just not sure how to approach this topic esp because it’s my first serious relationship.

TL;DR: my brother thinks he and my bf of 1 year look alike, and now that I’ve noticed it I feel sick and don’t know whether I should stay w him.

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